Space Engine planetary Database Wiki


A ringed terra with almost four times Earth's mass. Its gravity and its moderate temperature would be bearable for humans but the composition of its atmosphere, which contains almost exclusively CO2 and N2, would require special equipment to survive on this planet.

The planet's inhabitants,who call themselves Ferronians, have adapted quite well to this environment and have developed a remarkable civilization. They are specialized in nanotechnology and use microscopic machines to keep the atmosphere, the oceans and the soil of their planet free from pollution. They also tripled their lifespans and eliminated most diseases by implanting medical nanomachines into their cells.

Ferronians have three different types of chromosome configuration, but they do not display any gender dimorphism. They are able to reproduce sexually and asexually. While the process of sexual reproduction works in similar a way to ours the asexual reproduction enables Ferronians to procreate without partner and create identical clones of themselves. To stabilize the growth of their civilization they have strict birth control laws.

When the long life of a Ferronian is about to come to an end, especially if he has a high position in society, he will usually give birth to a clone of himself and invest his title as well as his belongings to this "new" self.

Because of the prosperous and stable life they lead on Ferrol they have never had interest in space travel, although they have hundreds of thousands of artificial satellites orbiting the planet and monitoring every inch of it.

